

San Francisco's oldest and most vibrant neighborhood is full of unique stores you should visit—and its great restaurants can fuel you through a shopping spree.

的 任务地区的 丰富的艺术和文化氛围弥漫在整个社区. 哪里有艺术,哪里就有许多商店,那里有独特的发现. 无论你是在找衣服, 小饰品, 或者介于两者之间, 你很可能在教会里找到它. 附近也有很棒的 吃饭的地方所以,在你疯狂购物的时候,停一两次是必须的. 的se are our top picks for places to shop in San Francisco's oldest neighborhood.




狗耳书 is known for its soothing atmosphere that invites you to relax and browse the shelves for your next favorite book. Whether you love that new book smell or prefer the thrill of saving cash on gently used paperbacks, 狗耳书店帮你搞定了. 你甚至可能在这里偶然发现一些独特的出版物, 因为这家商店出售当地文学作品和小型印刷书籍. You can find books on sale for as little as about $5 each, while hardcovers can run upwards of $30.



If you’re looking for a clothing store that happens to sell eco-friendly apparel, 你会在宗教改革中找到它, 正好和狗耳书店在同一栋楼. 这里的大多数衣服不仅是用天然或回收纤维制成的, 但该店的可持续实践也很有意义. Plus, the fitting rooms are high-tech, allowing you to choose your own lighting. 的y also have touch screens you can use to select clothing in different sizes or colors as needed, 然后衣服会被送到你的试衣间. Prices range from about $35 to $300, so there are options for every budget here.



If you’re in search of a cool gift shop, stop by the 海盗用品店 when you’re in the Mission. Whether you’re trying to find a unique gift for a friend or just seriously into pirates, 这是你需要眼罩的地方, 指南针, 骷髅旗, 海盗帽子, 或者在房子周围挂海盗主题的标志. 作为奖励, the proceeds go toward the writing workshops the owners host for local children and young adults. 无论你在这里花5美元还是50美元,都是为了慈善事业.



如果写作工作坊的想法激发了你的写作欲望, 沿街走到Topdrawer, 哪个专卖各种钢笔和铅笔. 当然, 仅仅用书写工具来填满整个商店是很难的, 所以你可以在这里找到其他好东西, 太. 的 point of Topdrawer is to offer you helpful 太ls you can use in life: notebooks, 充电电缆, 钥匙, 太阳镜, 和更多的. Topdrawer还努力让你在忙碌中生活得更轻松, 所以在这里你可以找到耐用的背包和手提袋, 水瓶, 雨具, 还有便当盒. If it’s useful and makes your life easier, you can buy it at Topdrawer, typically for $12 to $200.



This boutique shop is known for its selection of funky, fun apparel, bags, 珠宝 and home goods. 从连衣裤和耳环到口红和奶酪板, 这个独立的, 女人开的商店有适合每个人的东西. 的 owners even make it a point to host workshops and support artists as much as possible, resulting in you getting the chance to buy one-of-a-kind items for anywhere from $5 to $300.



如果你在寻找墨西哥工艺品的绝佳组合, 艺术作品, 珠宝, 和更多的, 下次去教会区的时候,可以顺便去卢兹·德·卢纳. Whether you want a painting that will remind you of your most recent trip to Mexico or are preparing to celebrate the Day of the Dead, 这家礼品店有你需要的东西. 而这家店的特色是宗教古董, 你也可以找到手绘的墨西哥工艺品, 蜡烛, 肥皂, 和更多的. 价格很合理,从几美元到75美元不等.



如果你想找个可爱的, 舒适的商店,你可以浏览贺卡, 地图, 磁铁, 蜡烛, 还有当地艺术家的手工艺品, 惊喜卡片和礼物应该在你的清单上. Whether you want to send some postcards to family and friends during your stay in San Francisco or want a knick-knack to remember the city by, 你可以在这里找到. Greeting cards range in price from $3 to $6, while small gifts tend to be $10 to $30.



系统是DSPTCH的零售体验, a San Francisco-based manufacturer that focuses on making products that are both practical and stylish. Some of the useful items you’ll find here include backpacks, camera cases, apparel, and accessories. 所以如果你正在寻找一些不牺牲风格的朴素装备, 系统应该列在你要去的商店清单上. Expect to spend anywhere from $18 for a keychain or bottle case to $200 for a sturdy backpack you can take anywhere.


El Techo


This rooftop restaurant is the place to be when the weather is cool in San Francisco (which is just about every day). When you grab a seat on this open-air patio—which is situated on top of its sister restaurant, Lolinda—you’ll get amazing views of the Mission District as you eat delicious Latin American dishes. If you can make it here for happy hour (Monday through Friday between 4 and 6 p.m.),你可以花4美元到7美元买一杯饮料,也可以花5美元买一个小盘子. 如果你周末中午来这里,购物后短暂休息一下, 你可以以每盘14美元的价格享用早午餐, 而在晚餐时,你可能要为每个人支付大约20美元.



You’re going to need a sweet treat at some point after hours of shopping, so be sure to stop in at 蒲公英的巧克力. 这家著名的巧克力店出售手工制作的巧克力棒, 可可豆, 热可可, 布朗尼, 还有其他好吃的. 你不仅可以在这里为自己买甜点, 但你也可以为别人找到礼物, 从盒装巧克力套装到巧克力制作套件. 如果你和大多数人一样喜欢这里的巧克力, 去16街几个街区外的那家店看看, 因为你可以安排课程, 品尝, 参观那里的工厂! 的 prices at 蒲公英的巧克力 range from about $5 for treats to $200 and up for large gift sets.



无论你是在找快餐还是披萨来分享, 当你来到阿里兹门迪面包店时,你会发现很多燃料. This local eatery is known for having the best muffins, cookies, fresh-baked bread, and pizza! Come here for breakfast, lunch, or a sweet treat as you make your way around the Mission. 你可以花1到3美元买一份零食或甜点,或者花20美元买一份披萨.



不知道在哪能找到潘奇塔的一号,但是 Panchita # 2 is a low-key family-run restaurant specializing in an El Salvadorian delicacy, pupusas. 自1989年起为教会区服务, Panchita's goal is to provide great tasting and high-quality food for all those who visit. Pupusas stuffed with pork, beans, and cheese, piled with cabbage slaw are served until 2:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday, so this is the spot to hit up well after you're done shopping.



Wes Rowe has put the fun back into the Smashburger with the perfect crisp edges on a thin patty. 你可以让你的汉堡全是美国的, 或者你也可以疯狂一点,在上面放一些洋葱圈, 墨西哥辣椒, 或者花生酱和果冻.



经过一天的购物, 是时候去最近的酒吧了, 但绝对是舒适的社区酒吧. 有他们精选的天然葡萄酒和油炸摩泰台拉三明治, 你会想要不断回到巴迪身边. 对了,别忘了提一下:他们也会转黑胶唱片. 这不是你父母的酒吧.


Dan是贝博体彩app旅游公司的全球营销副总裁. San Francisco has been his home for over a decade (that makes him a local, right?). 在周末, 你可以看到他手里拿着一杯精酿咖啡, 一个有良好共鸣的播放列表, 越来越多的书要读, 或者去城里最热门的新餐厅或酒吧.

的 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.